Privacy policy
個人資料收集聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement
本人明白所提供予傢居站有限公司的個人資料,傢居站有限公司將會使用於市場推廣及願客分析。包括但不限於透過電郵、電話、手機短訊及社交軟件等;向本人提供傢居站有限公司的產品、服務及活動資訊。傢居站有限公司不會向第三方提供相關資料。本人了解可隨時要求傢居站有限公司停止使用本人個人資料,有權向傢居站有限公司查閱及更正本人資料,有關查詢可WhatsAPP聯絡9841 8139。
I consent to that personal data prvoided to The Furniture Station Limited ("FS") may be used for marketing and customer profile analysis purposes. including but not limited to
providing me with communications about FS products and service offerings, events or news through direct mailing. e-mail, telephone, SMS or social communication software, etc
I fully understand that I may at any time require FS to cease the use of my personal data in above-captioned purposes, and I am entitled the right to request the access to and
correction of my personal data via WhatsApp inquiry at 9841 8139.